Industrial Cleaning San Antonio
Welcome to Morgan Aero – where facilities from Los Angeles to San Antonio to Philadelphia and beyond have their industrial cleaning needs met with customized attention. Mega industries that include aerospace & aviation, bio-science, food products, and manufacturing only scratch the surface concerning San Antonio’s most prominent industries.
San Antonio’s ranking with aerospace activities, alone, equates it as an industry leader. It is in San Antonio where one will find the Boeing Company, Standard Aero, Raytheon Aerospace T-6 Program, and a host of other aerospace installations. Within any San Antonio facility that utilizes gaseous or liquid oxygen, industrial cleaning services are an absolute necessity for reasons of user safety as well as maintaining product purity.

Something as deceptively benign as microscopic contaminants embedded within oxygen systems create the perfect environments that can, easily, generate fires, explosions, or auto-ignitions. Pure oxygen, at high pressure, can react violently with a whole slew of pollutants that range from fibers, hair, and paper, to greases & oils, weld slag, dust, sand, and more.
Morgan Aero’s industrial cleaning becomes a vital player in San Antonio businesses’ risk mitigation strategies. We, thoroughly, remove impurities – whether particulates, organic, or inorganic matter – keeping contaminant-sourced fires and explosions at bay. Morgan Aero has specialized in this niche arena since 1964.