hoist system

Aircraft, Pneumatic, & Lever Chain Hoists & Hoist Systems

Morgan Aero is the major supplier of aerospace quality lever, chain and worm drive hoists and sling lifting systems.

We manufacture the Aerosafe worm drive hoists used by Boeing and virtually all major airlines world wide for engine and landing gear handling. These hoists are available in manual or pneumatic powered models. They are used for Engine to landing gear installation and removal on a wide range or aircraft models for Boeing and Airbus.

1000 Aerosafe Hoists are now in service worldwide.

We are the source for lever hoists and hand chain hoists to meet rigid Boeing Hoist Specifications including

  • M-7360-99-2574
  • M-7360-99-2714
  • M-MEAP-02-13789
  • 1-157306941-1
  • MIL-H-904J
  • appendix ‘A’ and CE certification standards

Morgan Aero developed the JM and JM-AP series of lever hoists for the Boeing 737 Advanced Generation Aircraft.

lever chain hoist

We manufacture the worlds finest APU hoist, the AP6108 chain drive unit that is now in use by the USAF and airlines around the world.

Morgan Aero Products will also design and manufacture custom hoist attachment fittings and attachment points to meet custom applications where a standard eye or hook will not quite do the job.

We provide complete parts and service for all our hoists and certified proof load testing on our NIST traceable hoist testing equipment.

For your jet engine, landing gear and any special aerospace lift or load challenges contact us.

Not covered under out ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2016 Certification.

For Any Required Manuals or Literature Please Contact Us