hoist system

Worm Drive Hoists Manufacturer Phoenix

Welcome to Morgan Aero!  As a worm drive hoists manufacturer, our team of professionals are ready to meet your Phoenix facility’s heavy-lift needs.  We turn material movement and lifting challenges into reliable and predictable solutions that boost production, optimize safety, increase efficiency, and enhance that all-important bottom line for our customers from San Francisco to Phoenix to Chicago and beyond.  And it doesn’t matter if your Phoenix establishment is large or small, we’re here to serve you!

Morgan Aero is a globally-recognized leader staunchly embedded in the heavy lift industry, and our three main areas of focus lie in supplying products and services to aviation, aerospace, and general manufacturing entities.  Our worm drive hoists cater to the needs of governmental, military, and civilian markets locally, nationally, and around the world.


Contact Morgan Aero Today

lever chain hoist

For nearly 60 years, our experience has allowed us to partner with mega giant clients including the US Air Force, Boeing, Airbus and other icons that rely not only on our worm drive hoists, but our lever hoists, hand-chain hoists, and sling-lift systems.  Whether it’s a jet’s landing gear, the windshield of a commercial airliner, the rotary blades of a military helicopter, or solar panels for a stellar-bound satellite, our lifting products incorporate the quality, safety, and precision every customer demands – after all, there is no room for error!

Worm Drive Hoists – Made for Your Phoenix Facility

Worm drive hoists offer a big advantage regarding their high reduction ratio.  A worm gear can possess a huge reduction ratio with very little effort – adding circumference to the wheel is all it takes.  This translates into being able to greatly increase torque or greatly reduce speed.  Also, fewer moving parts mean fewer opportunities for failure.

If one were to list only some of the advantages of worm drive hoists, they would include worm drive hoists’ ability to:

  • easily turn the gear, but not allow the gear turn the worm
  • sustain long lifts without overheating and premature failure
  • deliver faster lifting speeds without accumulating excessive heat
  • offer high-speed reduction in limited spaces
  • generate safe lifting without controls or high maintenance mechanisms
  • self lock, making them ideal for hoisting and lifting applications
  • produce minimal noise and vibration
  • offer excellent shock absorption


One thousand of our Aerosafe worm drive hoists are used throughout the world and are offered as manual or pneumatic models.


As Your Partner, We’ll Serve You Well

Morgan Aero fulfills strict Boeing Hoist Specifications including:

  • M-7360-99-2574
  • M-7360-99-2714
  • M-MEAP-02-13789
  • 1-157306941-1
  • MIL-H-904J
  • appendix ‘A’ and CE certification standards


As a worm drive hoists manufacturer, Morgan Aero is proud to have developed the JM and JM-AP series of lever hoists for the Boeing 737 Advanced Generation Aircraft.  We manufacture the most reliable APU hoist – the AP6108 chain-drive hoist unit – used by the USAF and legendary airlines around the world.  Phoenix installations will not find a higher caliber APU hoist, of this type, anywhere else on the world market!

Also, our Phoenix customers have the assurance of Morgan Aero’s Quality-Management System being certified as ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2016.  Morgan Aero is Source Qualified to SAE AS9003 and Boeing Q14.

The ISO 9001 is the world’s most widely-recognized quality-management-system certification.  AS9100 incorporates all the elements of ISO-9001 as well as industrial standards unique to the aerospace industry.

All this reflects our continued mission to provide the highest-quality products and services as we pursue continual improvements whenever necessary, in any part of our daily operations.

From our Aerospace Oxygen Systems Service to our Parts and Assembly Integration to our

Chain Hoist and Hoist Systems Fabrication, we fully address Phoenix’s lifting and material-movement needs to enhance production, further safety standards, and optimize efficiency.

Morgan Aero ships domestically and internationally, continually.  If your Phoenix facility is in need of a local integrator for your product, contact our team!


Contact Morgan Aero – Phoenix’s Worm Drive Hoist Specialist

Phoenix business owners and facility supervisors can connect with the Morgan Aero team in various ways:

  • Call (425) 438-9600 for immediate assistance.
  • Discover more at morganaero.com
  • Request any required manuals or literature – we will, promptly, reply.
  • Visit our location at 1450 80th Street SW – Everett, WA 98203.

Contact Morgan Aero Today