Electronics Cleaning San Francisco
If you own, manage, or supervise any type of San Francisco business or installation that utilizes electronics equipment that must be regularly cleaned, be aware that sub-standard electronics cleaning can lead to dendrite growth on PCBs. This type of growth must be avoided, at all cost since it translates into short-circuit electrochemical occurrences when in the presence of ionic contamination. When this occurs, a variety of internal defects in castings, ingots, weldments and other issues can become horrific functioning issues.
For this reason, among a host of others, your San Francisco facility can’t afford electronics cleaning by those who are not fully trained nor experienced in the many detailed nuances involved with this aspect of equipment maintenance. This is where Morgan Aero comes in.
At Morgan Aero, we offer a wealth of knowledge and insight regarding electronics cleaning for businesses from San Francisco to Dallas to Chicago and beyond. Our rich history spans nearly 60 years of critical support services for businesses and companies of all types and sizes. Aviation, aerospace, and general manufacturing industries represent the lion’s share of our clients.
Electronics cleaning is intended for new equipment, also, which is often exposed to salt, acids, sulfates, residuals from human contact, or flux activators during manufacturing and/or assembly. These contaminants can disrupt the normal functioning of a PCB, including board damage. Our trichloroethylene and vapor degreasing are part of our electronics cleaning options to remove all contaminants safely, thoroughly, and effectively. Our safety and quality-assurance standards regarding our methods, cleaning agents, and equipment are your peace of mind!