hoist system

Electronics Cleaning Charlotte

Whether your Charlotte-based business requires electronics cleaning due to prolonged use, exposure to pollutants in the air, or to remove manufacturing debris or residue from your new equipment, Morgan Aero serves Charlotte businesses of every type and size.  Our company has been honored to serve clients all over the country and all over the world as their one-stop shop for not only electronics cleaning but other vital support services as well.

Since 1964, the Morgan Aero name has continued to be recognized as an industry leader in diverse support services for general manufacturing, aviation, aerospace, military, and civilian markets.  We are ready to partner with you and help support your Charlotte facility to ensure your electronics are free from flux, solder, dust, debris and other contaminants which accumulate, without fail.


Contact Morgan Aero Today

lever chain hoist

Potentially harmful contaminants will, predictably, compromise the performance and lifespan of any given piece of electronics and contribute to PCB failure.  Our thorough leave-no-stone-unturned assessments and remedies for contamination elimination are evidence-based and solutions-driven, backed by decades of experience.

There exists an increasing trend concerning miniaturization of electronics, and that means the tiniest of spaces must be cleaned with meticulous care to ensure ongoing high-performance and reliability.  Ionic impurities, alone, can lead to corrosion and dendrite growth.  If contaminants are allowed to remain embedded within an electronic component for too long, eventual device failure should be expected.

Our Electronics Cleaning Covers the Spectrum

At Morgan Aero, we utilize various electronics cleaning procedures with vapor-degreasing being only one of them.  Vapor-degreasing cleaning fluids offer multiple chemical properties that are critical and conducive to superior electronics cleaning.  Regardless of how complex and detailed the configuration of an electronics component might be, vapor-degreasing meets every challenge, with ease, where parts emerge spotless and dry, ready for further processing.

At Morgan Aero, we remain astute regarding market trends as well as embrace vital best practices involving electronics cleaning and other services we offer our clientele from Los Angeles to Denver, to Charlotte and beyond.


We’re Ready to Serve Your Charlotte Facility on Every Level

For nearly 6 decades, our electronics cleaning and cleaning-for-oxygen services have catered to specifications that include:

  • Boeing BPS-O-100
  • BAC 5402
  • BAC 5408
  • DPS 4.901
  • SAE ARP1176 & MIL-STD-1359


Please contact our team at (425)-438-9600 if your Charlotte installation has a cleaning specification not listed here.

Regarding our cleaning for oxygen and electronics cleaning, Morgan Aero covers the cleaning, inspecting, and packaging of all oxygen 1) fittings 2) tube assemblies 3) crew/therapeutic/passenger masks 4) bottles 5) electronics/avionics test equipment 6) electronic pressure gauges 7) printed circuit boards 8) electronic assembly connectors, and more.


Morgan Aero Goes the Extra Mile

Our company’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2016.  Additionally, Morgan Aero is Source Qualified to SAE AS9003 and Boeing Q14.

ISO 9001, as the international standard for quality management, ensures our Charlotte clients of products and services which fully meet customer and regulatory requirements.  It, also, demonstrates our desire for pursuing continuous improvement.

AS9100 incorporates all the elements of ISO 9001 in addition to industrial standards unique to the aerospace industry.

Charlotte facilities rely on our array of cleaning-related services which include:

Assembling and packaging oxygen system components and sub-assemblies in an approved clean-room environment to, fully, meet every client’s specifications.

Operating a Boeing-approved clean room and vapor-degreasing facility that can process tubing assemblies up to 20 feet long.  Electronics cleaning is utilized for electronic pressure gauges, aircraft electronics equipment, electronic circuit boards, avionics test equipment, and electronics unique to military, defense, and civilian markets.

Our trichloroethylene cleaning offers superb results for electronics components.  This cleaning agent is heavy-duty stabilized for long-lasting bath life and generates stunning cleanliness when used in immersion cleaning, solvent cleaning, and vapor-degreasing procedures.

Hydrostatic pressure testing to 6,000 PSI.

Manufacturing and repairing specialized oxygen-system test equipment to meet our Charlotte customers’ unique requirements.

Assembling and integrating our customers’ parts to exacting specifications for direct shipment to the Boeing Company.  As an added amenity to further efficiency for our Charlotte customers, the Morgan Aero facility offers its coveted position of being only a half-mile from the Boeing Everett plant.

Our Aerospace Oxygen Systems ServiceParts and Assembly IntegrationChain Hoist and Hoist Systems Fabrication ensure your Charlotte installation will operate with enhanced safety, optimized efficiency, and increased cost-effectiveness.  The end result is Charlotte installations that experience a boosted bottom line.

Morgan Aero ships domestically and internationally, continually.  If you are in need of a local integrator for your product, contact our team!

Our electronics cleaning expertise, support, and next-generation technologies translate into your Charlotte installation’s electronics being backed by diverse cleaning solutions ready to address your facility’s diverse cleaning needs.


Connect with Morgan Aero – Charlotte’s Dream Clean Team

Charlotte business owners and facility managers can connect with Morgan Aero in various ways:

  • Call (425) 438-9600 for immediate assistance
  • Discover more at morganaero.com
  • Send inquiries, on line, 24/7 regarding our cleaning for oxygen and other services
  • Request any required manuals or literature – we will, promptly, respond
  • When nearby, visit our location at 1450 80th Street SW – Everett, WA 98203

Contact Morgan Aero Today