Cleaning for Oxygen Service Washington
Vast and diverse industries in Washington make this locale a mega-giant in terms of generating impressive revenue. Washington is among the top ten milk producers in the US. Then, there is seafood processing which is a huge component of Washington’s food processing industry. Washington is home to the largest aerospace firm, Boeing, and the gross business income from just the aerospace industry in Washington, each year, is $66 billion.
A plethora of industries here, large and small, utilize a vast array of equipment which depend on oxygen, in one form or another, for their manufacturing, processing, testing, and research. These oxygen-dependent systems must meet stringent cleaning requirements such as construction materials that have high-ignition temperature thresholds.
Liquid oxygen is used as an oxidant for liquid fuels and propellant systems of missiles and rockets. Gaseous oxygen is widely used in health and medical applications, and oxygen systems are used in Washington’s pulp and paper industry as a bleaching and oxidizing agent. Regardless of how oxygen is utilized, Morgan Aero is there with our cleaning for oxygen service options when oxygen cleaning needs arise.
Contaminants – some visible and some too small to be seen – stubbornly adhere to the surfaces of oxygen-delivery components. Everything from oils, greases, paper, fiber, weld slag, sand, rust and more must be professionally and meticulously eliminated to avoid below-par product purity and/or a fire or auto-ignition explosion.